Mass Times

The times of Masses in our parish are:

Weekday Masses

Monday               9.15 am – 10.00 am – Adoration

                            10.00 am Mass

Tuesday               9.15 am – 10.00 am – Adoration

                            10.00 am Mass

Wednesday          No Parish Mass. Please check the newsletter/noticeboard.

Thursday              10.00 am Mass

                             10.30 am – 12.00 pm – Adoration

Friday                   9.15 am – 10.00 am – Adoration

                            10.00 am Mass

Saturday              9.15 am – 10.00 am – Adoration

                           10.00 am  Mass

Sunday Masses

Saturday              6.30 pm – Vigil Mass

Sunday                10.30 am

Confessions available Thursday 10.30am-12.00am Friday 9.15am-10.00am Saturday 6.00pm-6.25pm.

For any last-minute changes, please check the newsletter/noticeboard.

The Mass is the one Sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is the Source and Summit of the whole of the Church’s life as Christians continue to do what Jesus asked His Apostles to carry out at the Last Supper – “Do this in memory of me.” From the beginning of the Church, after the Ascension of Jesus into heaven and Pentecost, the Church has always met every first day of the week – Sunday, Dies Domini, the Day of the Lord – and have celebrated the Eucharist faithfully every week and indeed for a long time every day.

In the first part of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Word, Christ speaks to us through the Scriptures that are read. We listen to Him and allow the seed of His Word to be sown deep within us.

In the second part of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Eucharist, the bread and wine are brought up with the offertory, symbolising the offering that each person makes of their body, mind and soul – the whole of each person’s life. It is in this part of the Mass that the bread and wine become really and truly His Body and Blood.

In the great Eucharistic Prayer of the Mass, through the ministry of the priest, Jesus offers the one Sacrifice He offered on Calvary. That offering of Himself that He made on the cross remains alive in Him forever, part and parcel of who He is.

It is the greatest prayer ever, the greatest act of love, the most powerful intercession for us, the fullest form of worship we can have on earth.

In it, we offer adoration and praise to God the Father, thanksgiving, intercession for our needs and those of the whole world and Church (including all who have died), and reparation for our sins – all through Jesus in the unity of the Holy Spirit.

We then receive the Lord’s real Body and Blood in Holy Communion – even if we are receiving just under one form, we are receiving the whole Christ for He offers Himself entirely to us. He is our Life and fills us with Divine Life: He is the Divine Food that strengthens and feeds us for our journey through life and gives us the grace to overcome sin and to live as free children of God.

By God’s grace, the Church is open for Mass. Please do come. If you cannot attend in person, you can follow on the livestream. Making a Spiritual Communion connects us to the Mass and allows us to receive Jesus, made present on our altar, spiritually within our hearts.

Please do continue to join yourselves to the offering of the Mass even if you cannot be here in person.